Notice (8): unserialize(): Error at offset 24013 of 24013 bytes [CORE/Cake/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php, line 194]Code Context$data = str_replace('\\\\\\\\', '\\', $data);
$data = unserialize((string)$data);
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FileEngine::read() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php, line 194 Cache::read() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 363 DboSource::cacheMethod() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DboSource.php, line 828 DboSource::name() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DboSource.php, line 925 Mysql::listSources() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 232 Model::setSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1168 Model::getDataSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 3686 Model::_readDataSource() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 3053 Model::find() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 3025 VillesController::index() - APP/Controller/VillesController.php, line 14 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/lib/Cake/Utility/Debugger.php:797) [CORE/Cake/Network/CakeResponse.php, line 458]Code Contextsetcookie(
$name, $c['value'], $c['expire'], $c['path'],
$c['domain'], $c['secure'], $c['httpOnly']
$c = array( 'name' => 'CakeCookie[autologin]', 'value' => '', 'expire' => (int) 1738733146, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => '', 'secure' => false, 'httpOnly' => false ) $name = 'CakeCookie[autologin]'setcookie - [internal], line ?? CakeResponse::_setCookies() - CORE/Cake/Network/CakeResponse.php, line 458 CakeResponse::send() - CORE/Cake/Network/CakeResponse.php, line 429 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 174 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Pour la recherche d'une maison à rénover à Rouffigny en Manche (50), nous comptabilisons à ce jour peu de résultats dans cette ville.
Maison datant des années 60 en centre bourg de Rouffigny, elle comprend 4 chambres, 2 salles de bain...
en savoir plusSituation géographique : Fougères 50 kms - Saint-Malo 59 kms -
Dans cette commune de habitants, installée en Manche (50), aucune agence immobilière. À noter que biens ont été vendus durant l'année passée (2020) pour un prix de vente moyen de € / par m², une indication clé dans votre future négocation immobilière. Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Consultez les agences immobilières locales.
Vous habitez Rouffigny ou dans un secteur proche et vous avez une maison à rénover à vendre ?
Ventes | Prix € / m² | |
2019 | € | |
2020 | € | |
Évolution | NAN% | NAN% |
Pour vous accompagner dans la rénovation de votre maison à Rouffigny, nous avons listé les entreprises du bâtiment.
Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de Rouffigny par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre...
Notice (8): Undefined index: Epublic [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 317]Code Context<h3><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> Déclaration de travaux</h3>
<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 317 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 317]Code Context<h3><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> Déclaration de travaux</h3>
<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 317 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Undefined index: Epublic [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318]Code Context<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318]Code Context<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Undefined index: Epublic [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318]Code Context<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318]Code Context<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Undefined index: Epublic [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318]Code Context<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318]Code Context<p>Selon la rénovation envisagée, une déclaration préalable de travaux doit être réalisée auprès de la mairie de <?php echo $data['Ville']['nom']; ?> par le formulaire 13703*07. Agrandissement de la maison, réalisation d'une pièce annexe (véranda, garage...), création d'une fenêtre... </p>
<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 318 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Undefined index: Epublic [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 319]Code Context<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['telephone']; ?></p>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 319 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 319]Code Context<p><?= $mairie['Epublic']['organisme']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['adresse']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['codepostal']; ?> <?= $mairie['Epublic']['commune']; ?>
<br/><?= $mairie['Epublic']['telephone']; ?></p>
$viewFile = '/home/lepetitbz/dansmaprovince/app/View/villes/index.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'departements' => array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ), 'departements2' => array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ), 'data' => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ), 'idem' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'villesPr' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'mairie' => array(), 'actu' => array(), 'murs' => array(), 'annonces' => array(), 'artisansRGE' => array(), 'username' => null ) $departements = array( (int) 1 => 'Ain (01)', (int) 2 => 'Aisne (02)', (int) 3 => 'Allier (03)', (int) 4 => 'Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04)', (int) 5 => 'Hautes-Alpes (05)', (int) 6 => 'Alpes-Maritimes (06)', (int) 7 => 'Ardèche (07)', (int) 8 => 'Ardennes (08)', (int) 9 => 'Ariège (09)', (int) 10 => 'Aube (10)', (int) 11 => 'Aude (11)', (int) 12 => 'Aveyron (12)', (int) 13 => 'Bouches-du-Rhône (13)', (int) 14 => 'Calvados (14)', (int) 15 => 'Cantal (15)', (int) 16 => 'Charente (16)', (int) 17 => 'Charente-Maritime (17)', (int) 18 => 'Cher (18)', (int) 19 => 'Corrèze (19)', (int) 22 => 'Côte-d'or (21)', (int) 23 => 'Côtes-d'armor (22)', (int) 24 => 'Creuse (23)', (int) 25 => 'Dordogne (24)', (int) 26 => 'Doubs (25)', (int) 27 => 'Drôme (26)', (int) 28 => 'Eure (27)', (int) 29 => 'Eure-et-Loir (28)', (int) 30 => 'Finistère (29)', (int) 20 => 'Corse-du-sud (2A)', (int) 21 => 'Haute-corse (2B)', (int) 31 => 'Gard (30)', (int) 32 => 'Haute-Garonne (31)', (int) 33 => 'Gers (32)', (int) 34 => 'Gironde (33)', (int) 35 => 'Hérault (34)', (int) 36 => 'Ille-et-Vilaine (35)', (int) 37 => 'Indre (36)', (int) 38 => 'Indre-et-Loire (37)', (int) 39 => 'Isère (38)', (int) 40 => 'Jura (39)', (int) 41 => 'Landes (40)', (int) 42 => 'Loir-et-Cher (41)', (int) 43 => 'Loire (42)', (int) 44 => 'Haute-Loire (43)', (int) 45 => 'Loire-Atlantique (44)', (int) 46 => 'Loiret (45)', (int) 47 => 'Lot (46)', (int) 48 => 'Lot-et-Garonne (47)', (int) 49 => 'Lozère (48)', (int) 50 => 'Maine-et-Loire (49)', (int) 51 => 'Manche (50)', (int) 52 => 'Marne (51)', (int) 53 => 'Haute-Marne (52)', (int) 54 => 'Mayenne (53)', (int) 55 => 'Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)', (int) 56 => 'Meuse (55)', (int) 57 => 'Morbihan (56)', (int) 58 => 'Moselle (57)', (int) 59 => 'Nièvre (58)', (int) 60 => 'Nord (59)', (int) 61 => 'Oise (60)', (int) 62 => 'Orne (61)', (int) 63 => 'Pas-de-Calais (62)', (int) 64 => 'Puy-de-Dôme (63)', (int) 65 => 'Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)', (int) 66 => 'Hautes-Pyrénées (65)', (int) 67 => 'Pyrénées-Orientales (66)', (int) 68 => 'Bas-Rhin (67)', (int) 69 => 'Haut-Rhin (68)', (int) 70 => 'Rhône (69)', (int) 71 => 'Haute-Saône (70)', (int) 72 => 'Saône-et-Loire (71)', (int) 73 => 'Sarthe (72)', (int) 74 => 'Savoie (73)', (int) 75 => 'Haute-Savoie (74)', (int) 76 => 'Paris (75)', (int) 77 => 'Seine-Maritime (76)', (int) 78 => 'Seine-et-Marne (77)', (int) 79 => 'Yvelines (78)', (int) 80 => 'Deux-Sèvres (79)', (int) 81 => 'Somme (80)', (int) 82 => 'Tarn (81)', (int) 83 => 'Tarn-et-Garonne (82)', (int) 84 => 'Var (83)', (int) 85 => 'Vaucluse (84)', (int) 86 => 'Vendée (85)', (int) 87 => 'Vienne (86)', (int) 88 => 'Haute-Vienne (87)', (int) 89 => 'Vosges (88)', (int) 90 => 'Yonne (89)', (int) 91 => 'Territoire de Belfort (90)', (int) 92 => 'Essonne (91)', (int) 93 => 'Hauts-de-Seine (92)', (int) 94 => 'Seine-Saint-Denis (93)', (int) 95 => 'Val-de-Marne (94)', (int) 96 => 'Val-d'oise (95)', (int) 98 => 'Guadeloupe (971)', (int) 100 => 'Martinique (972)', (int) 99 => 'Guyane (973)', (int) 101 => 'Réunion (974)', (int) 102 => 'Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)', (int) 97 => 'Mayotte (976)', (int) 0 => 'Tous les départements' ) $departements2 = array( (int) 1 => '01', (int) 2 => '02', (int) 3 => '03', (int) 4 => '04', (int) 5 => '05', (int) 6 => '06', (int) 7 => '07', (int) 8 => '08', (int) 9 => '09', (int) 10 => '10', (int) 11 => '11', (int) 12 => '12', (int) 13 => '13', (int) 14 => '14', (int) 15 => '15', (int) 16 => '16', (int) 17 => '17', (int) 18 => '18', (int) 19 => '19', (int) 22 => '21', (int) 23 => '22', (int) 24 => '23', (int) 25 => '24', (int) 26 => '25', (int) 27 => '26', (int) 28 => '27', (int) 29 => '28', (int) 30 => '29', (int) 20 => '2A', (int) 21 => '2B', (int) 31 => '30', (int) 32 => '31', (int) 33 => '32', (int) 34 => '33', (int) 35 => '34', (int) 36 => '35', (int) 37 => '36', (int) 38 => '37', (int) 39 => '38', (int) 40 => '39', (int) 41 => '40', (int) 42 => '41', (int) 43 => '42', (int) 44 => '43', (int) 45 => '44', (int) 46 => '45', (int) 47 => '46', (int) 48 => '47', (int) 49 => '48', (int) 50 => '49', (int) 51 => '50', (int) 52 => '51', (int) 53 => '52', (int) 54 => '53', (int) 55 => '54', (int) 56 => '55', (int) 57 => '56', (int) 58 => '57', (int) 59 => '58', (int) 60 => '59', (int) 61 => '60', (int) 62 => '61', (int) 63 => '62', (int) 64 => '63', (int) 65 => '64', (int) 66 => '65', (int) 67 => '66', (int) 68 => '67', (int) 69 => '68', (int) 70 => '69', (int) 71 => '70', (int) 72 => '71', (int) 73 => '72', (int) 74 => '73', (int) 75 => '74', (int) 76 => '75', (int) 77 => '76', (int) 78 => '77', (int) 79 => '78', (int) 80 => '79', (int) 81 => '80', (int) 82 => '81', (int) 83 => '82', (int) 84 => '83', (int) 85 => '84', (int) 86 => '85', (int) 87 => '86', (int) 88 => '87', (int) 89 => '88', (int) 90 => '89', (int) 91 => '90', (int) 92 => '91', (int) 93 => '92', (int) 94 => '93', (int) 95 => '94', (int) 96 => '95', (int) 98 => '971', (int) 100 => '972', (int) 99 => '973', (int) 101 => '974', (int) 102 => '975', (int) 97 => '976' ) $data = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18382', 'dep' => '50', 'slug' => 'rouffigny', 'nom' => 'Rouffigny', 'cp' => '50800', 'commune' => '440', 'code_commune' => '50440', 'arrondissement' => '4', 'canton' => '48', 'amdi' => '6', 'population' => '300', 'surface' => '672', 'ski' => false, 'lng' => '-1.25', 'lat' => '48.8', 'departement_id' => '51', 'created' => null, 'descriptif' => '', 'img' => '' ), 'Departement' => array( 'nom' => 'Manche', 'slug' => 'manche', 'code' => '50', 'id' => '51' ), 'Service' => array( 'CODGEO' => null, 'LIBGEO' => null, 'REG' => null, 'DEP' => null, 'NB_A101' => null, 'NB_A104' => null, 'NB_A105' => null, 'NB_A106' => null, 'NB_A107' => null, 'NB_A108' => null, 'NB_A109' => null, 'NB_A115' => null, 'NB_A119' => null, 'NB_A120' => null, 'NB_A121' => null, 'NB_A122' => null, 'NB_A123' => null, 'NB_A124' => null, 'NB_A125' => null, 'NB_A126' => null, 'NB_A203' => null, 'NB_A205' => null, 'NB_A206' => null, 'NB_A207' => null, 'NB_A208' => null, 'NB_A301' => null, 'NB_A302' => null, 'NB_A303' => null, 'NB_A304' => null, 'NB_A401' => null, 'NB_A402' => null, 'NB_A403' => null, 'NB_A404' => null, 'NB_A405' => null, 'NB_A406' => null, 'NB_A501' => null, 'NB_A502' => null, 'NB_A503' => null, 'NB_A504' => null, 'NB_A505' => null, 'NB_A506' => null, 'NB_A507' => null ), 'Moyennevente' => array( 'id' => null, 'codeinsee' => null, 'inseedep' => null, 'inseereg' => null, 'codeepci' => null, 'nomcom' => null, 'population' => null, 'ventes' => null, 'prixmoyen' => null, 'ventes2020' => null, 'prixmoyen2020' => null ) ) $idem = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18502', 'slug' => 'trinite-50', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Trinité', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '2222.5361097410523' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18624', 'slug' => 'lande-d-airou', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Lande-d'Airou', 'lat' => '48.8167', 'lng' => '-1.28333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3066.719026883051' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18717', 'slug' => 'bourguenolles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Bourguenolles', 'lat' => '48.8', 'lng' => '-1.3' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3661.9665926683597' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18658', 'slug' => 'chaise-baudouin', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'La Chaise-Baudouin', 'lat' => '48.7667', 'lng' => '-1.23333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '3898.7581991557477' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18697', 'slug' => 'villedieu-les-poeles', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Villedieu-les-Poêles', 'lat' => '48.8333', 'lng' => '-1.21667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '4434.575872540167' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18541', 'slug' => 'st-martin-le-bouillant', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Saint-Martin-le-Bouillant', 'lat' => '48.7833', 'lng' => '-1.18333' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5224.834629437801' ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '18515', 'slug' => 'braffais', 'dep' => '50', 'nom' => 'Braffais', 'lat' => '48.75', 'lng' => '-1.26667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '5692.089896283181' ) ) ) $villesPr = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13580', 'slug' => 'fougeres', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Fougères', 'lat' => '48.35', 'lng' => '-1.2' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '50170.50149414398' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) ) $mairie = array() $actu = array() $murs = array() $annonces = array() $artisansRGE = array() $username = null $v = array( 'Ville' => array( 'id' => '13480', 'slug' => 'st-malo', 'dep' => '35', 'nom' => 'Saint-Malo', 'lat' => '48.65', 'lng' => '-2.01667' ), (int) 0 => array( 'distance' => '58655.200756408216' ) ) $k = (int) 1 $evoVentes = (float) NAN $evoPrix = (float) NAN $MAJRGE = object(stdClass) { nhits => (int) 0 parameters => object(stdClass) {} records => array() } $http_response_header = array( (int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', (int) 1 => 'Server: openresty', (int) 2 => 'Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:05:48 GMT', (int) 3 => 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', (int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 523', (int) 5 => 'Connection: close', (int) 6 => 'X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9983225', (int) 7 => 'X-RateLimit-Limit: 10000000', (int) 8 => 'X-RateLimit-Reset: 2025-02-06 00:00:00+00:00', (int) 9 => 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=60', (int) 10 => 'Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie, Host', (int) 11 => 'Content-Language: en-us', (int) 12 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *', (int) 13 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS', (int) 14 => 'Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000', (int) 15 => 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Origin, ODS-API-Analytics-App, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Type, ODS-API-Analytics-Embed-Referrer, ODS-Widgets-Version, Accept', (int) 16 => 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation, Link, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-dataset-Remaining, X-RateLimit-dataset-Limit, X-RateLimit-dataset-Reset', (int) 17 => 'x-datadog-trace-id: 13394319431255856809', (int) 18 => 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000', (int) 19 => 'X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', (int) 20 => 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', (int) 21 => 'Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin', (int) 22 => 'Permissions-Policy: midi=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()', (int) 23 => 'Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;', (int) 24 => 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge' )include - APP/View/villes/index.ctp, line 319 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 971 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 933 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 473 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 968 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 200 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 111
Selon vos revenus et les travaux envisagés dans votre logement, l'ANAH Manche (50) peut vous venir en aide.